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Saturday, 10 June 2017

Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart

Recently I came across this lecture by Marty Lobdell, called 'Study Less Study Smart'. I believe it's a fantastic overview about the pitfalls and fallacies about studying, and how, as a student learning new material, you can actively make a difference to study better.

From my perspective, it's easy to feel inundated with having to learn new technologies because there are so many options available, and new options are always being improved upon and evolving, or outright being invented. And then when learning an area, either completely new or in more detail regardless, it can feel like a chore instead of being 'fun', or there's a lack of productivity for gaining new knowledge and abilities.

This lecture, through many stories, anecdotes, and accepted results, explains how people can get the process of learning wrong, and how to get it right. It's an hour long, and well worth your time.

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