but I was unable to locate them. So instead I followed the instructions on how to build it manually yourself:
I had some trouble following this, so I wrote down the steps I did in order to get it working, and I've copied them below.
1) Download the release sources tar.gz file https://sourceforge.net/projects/open-ms/files/OpenMS/OpenMS-2.0/
Click on the download link in a browser
-> copy the direct link -> command line:
$ wget
<paste link>
The file will then be saved, which will
need to be renamed. The terminal may become unresponsive, so press
<enter> to get a new line.
$ mv
OpenMS-2.0.0...etc... OpenMS-2.0.0.tar.gz
2) Extract the tar.gz file. This is the OpenMS release
source code.
$ tar
-xvf OpenMS-2.0.0.tar.gz
This now creates a new
directory: OpenMS-2.0.0, go into it
$ cd OpenMS-2.0.0
3) Create a contrib-build directory inside the
OpenMS-2.0.0 directory.
$ mkdir contrib-build
$ cd
Run these cmake commands:
$ cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=LIST ../contrib
$ cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=SEQAN ../contrib
$ cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=WILDMAGIC ../contrib
$ cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=EIGEN ../contrib
Make a note of this current directory
4) Go back up to the parent directory of OpenMS-2.0.0:
cd ../../
> OpenMS-2.0.0, OpenMS-2.0.0.tar.gz
Now create a new OpenMS-build directory,
enter it:
$ mkdir OpenMS-build
$ cd OpenMS-build
Run the cmake command, replace the correct
contrub-build directory
$ cmake
5) Run the make command:
$ make
6) Finally, update the environment as mentioned
on: http://ftp.mi.fu-berlin.de/pub/OpenMS/release-documentation/html/install_linux.html
Though now it looks like there's an option to use BioDocker instead...that's probably much easier...
docker pull biodckr/openms
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